I was too busy trying to capture another interesting fly – so I totally missed that cool beetle in the background.
My old body has been feeling pretty creaky for the last couple of weeks. Yoga hasn’t helped all that much. Lots of ibuprofen hasn’t helped all that much. I hoped that a good session of lap swimming would help. But, lap swimming would interfere with my nap. Swam laps. We have a nice long indoor pool. I am not a fan of indoor pools. But, I went any how. I had an entire lane to myself. That was good. There were no sharks. That was good. The lifeguard was cute. That was good. I’ll do it again.
Another event at the asylum today – I had my “annual mental assessment”. I didn’t know there was such a thing. I had to know what day it was. I knew it was Thursday. And, either the 16th or 17th. That was close enough. Next year, I will study up before my “annual mental assessment”.
The nurse that did “annual mental assessment” is also the asylum Employee Health Nurse. So, we talked shop for a while. She offered me a “job” anytime I want it. The commute would be better. Can not complain about my commute. If I leave the Old Bat Cave at 0610, I am walking into the hospital at 0640. That involves about 4 long blocks walking and 2 buses. Coming home isn’t as slick. And, I usually try to get at least a mile walking into the commute home.