Today – naps won out over laps. Had to be rested up for Happy Hour and dinner.
I won one of those DNA ancestry test kits. This is what came back for me.
51% Great Britain
23% Scandinavia
15% Southern Europe
5% Eastern Europe
3% Arabia
2% Asia Minor
And the rest – Neanderthal.
Not all that interesting. I was hoping for Mongolia. But, Vikings aren’t too shabby. I am pretty sure this is just junk science. Not to be taken seriously. Sort of like fortune telling.
Note to Carlton: you aren’t missing much around here. Bond yields are approaching zero. Mohamed Ali died. Maria Sharapova got bounced from tennis for drug use. Donald Trump is the Republican candidate for president. Yes, president of the US of A. Did I mention that bond yields are approaching zero. Chuck Schwab was actually selling bonds with negative yield last week. Mass shootings continue. Britain might leave the EU. Megan from Oncology Radiation came up to the office today. Everyone remembers you kindly.
I noticed in some of my serious readings where there is scientific data some place that verifies that we as humans(?) have a built in genetic requirement for short naps. I was glad to read about that because I was beginning to think it had more to do with the expansion of adult years. Maybe we just can recognize the need more as time goes by. Have a lap then nap.Zee