Note to Carlton: You have only been away for 18 months. But, you would find it very hard to recognize our current world. Yesterday Great Britain – you know that chilly island where The Queen lives – GB voted to leave the European Union. The vote was a youth and anti-immigrant driven victory. With more than a few unintended consequences.
On our side of the pond, we have Donald Trump as the presumptive Presidential candidate for the party of Lincoln. Hillary will be our candidate – but she is looking pretty granny-ish. I don’t think she is the best possible Democratic candidate – but she is our only chance to stop Donald, You’re Fired, Trump. The same forces that fueled the Brexit vote will fuel The Donald’s campaign.
You were are huge fan of John Lewis – I think he lead his last sit-in this week – the Dems had a sit in in the House. They were demanding a vote on a rather sensible measure – if you are on the no-fly list you shouldn’t be allowed to buy a gun. Death by gun continues at an alarming rate.
People are on edge. Unsettled. Dow Jones down 600 points today.
On a happier note: “my” roses.
LOTS of deadheading.