Feeling a little mopey today – so I decided that a nice walk in the woods was called for. I head off to Long Branch Nature Center – that’s as close to woods as I can quickly access. Where I found this really cool bull frog. And a fine ladybug. Life is too short to try to identify what kind of ladybug it is.

Didn’t do much at all today. Went for a walk in the park. Took pictures. And naps. Avoided all things Trumpy. I vacillate between absolute confidence that he will never become president and abject fear that he will.
I plan on doing my normal Sunday things tomorrow. Work on deadheading the asylum rose bushes, have breakfast, shop for “groceries” – which is to say yogurt, cherries and chocolates, do laundry and then in late afternoon escape from the asylum for a party. In Hawai’i it would be called a baby luau.
Note to Carlton: You might be interested to know that the price of gas is at an 11 year low. I think it is about $2 a gallon. Not sure, since I don’t buy gas. Also, I did a little midyear check up on “your” money today. You would approve of my stewardship. Oh, did I tell you that bonds are getting dangerously close to negative yields? There is a capital gains play. But, I haven’t chosen to be a player. Figure that you would approve of that “non” action.