It is hotter today. And, the Nats wilted. “They” say it will be hotter tomorrow.
Weather not so great on my island either. Little tropical storm overnight. High tides right now as well, so one of the glass bottom boats ended up on the rocks. Now, this boat wasn’t doing too well last couple of years – so – if it was well insured – it might not have been a really bad thing for the owners. But, our little bay didn’t need the fuel that most likely spilled.
And now for the insects.

Went out early in the morning for my daily bug hunt. Before breakfast.
Breakfast – another adventure. I ordered French toast. It is on the menu. I put my stuff on my table and went to get coffee. The cashier is talking to the cook “Do you know how to make French toast?” “No, we have cinnamon buns.” is the cook’s response. I quickly change my order to oatmeal. You gotta love it here. Some people expend a lot of energy complaining. I figure that the goddess was just telling me that French toast would make my butt look fat!
Been planning my escape to Kona. Think I’ll take the train to the coast. I love trains. I like the entire train experience. (Except the bathrooms at the end of a long segment.)
Thinking about a little mini-trip to somewhere chilly. Churchill Canada – swim with the whales maybe. You get there by train. Or Iceland. Or maybe just crank up my A/C and pretend I am some place cool.
About the knobs for my “new: chair. Thank you Amazon. On Friday I went to a old school hardware store and was told what I needed. They had one. Not two. And, they don’t order stuff for you. They did give me the manufacturer and part number of the knob. (Cost $3.99) But, it couldn’t find it online. But, I knew sort of what to look for and found knobs on Amazon ($4.70 for 2 with 2 day delivery). So, my noon on Sunday, my chair is sporting two matching knobs. So, the knob problem was solved for less than ten bucks. Thank you Ayers Variety. And thank you Amazon. It took a 1950’s era brick and mortar store and an online store to get the job done.
Gee, wonder what I was up to a year ago? – I was taking pictures and downsizing.
Hows about 2 years ago? – I was complaining about it being hot.
And 10 years ago? – Taking pictures of bees and watching Le Tour. Those pages lost something when I changed servers. But 10 years is a long time in internet years.
And now for the political section.
Let us assume that our side wins in November. How on earth are we going to get the other side back in the box? Think about it. These people are not going to turn into the loyal opposition.