It was only 98° or so today. I was happy to find a small butterfly.

The Democrats are having a normal rowdy good time. Mrs Obama spoke last night. Her speech will be one that will be remembered as one of the finest political speeches of all time. Bernie is being eloquent and gracious in defeat. And no one has been killed yet.
When I was growing up girls were raised to be wives and mothers in that order. Today girls can be presidents and astronauts. I have had a wonderful life. I did my share of tapping on glass walls – I never got high enough to tap on any ceiling – glass or otherwise. I don’t think the young women appreciate just how important this moment is to us old women. Nevermind that Hillary – is a deeply flawed candidate.
Nicely said. We’ve come a long way.
I’m painting your photo of the market. The one with all the apples in it. I also like this one of your garden box.