Ordinary Day

Zinnas - Insect Free
Zinnas – Insect Free

I lounged around the Asylum this Sunday.

A year ago today, I took Carlton’s tennis rackets to the Goodwill. August 1, 2015

Two years ago, I was having technical problems at work. August 1, 2014

Decided that I will dedicate August to “Decluttering”. Yes, yes, I downsized bigtime before moving to the Asylum. But, stuff sort of creeps in and multiples. And, this apartment is much nicer when it is sort of empty. Carlton and I had different opinions about “stuff”. His theory was “If I have a place for it then I can keep it”. My theory is – “If I haven’t used it in a year, are not going to use it next year, or if I have forgotten that I have it – it should go.” (Except Carlton’s shoebox of trinket – well, I actually knew I had that shoebox – I just didn’t know where I had stashed it.)

It is time to start thinking about going to Kona. I really like riding the train. So, I think I’ll be training it somewhere out west and fly to Kona from maybe San Diego. Or Seattle. Or anywhere in between.

Well, Carlton, we haven’t talked lately. You wouldn’t believe what has happened since you relocated.

You would be amazed that gas is about $2.25 a gallon. Don’t take this too seriously, you know I don’t buy gas!

And, you wouldn’t believe the political scene. You would be happy to know that Hillary is our candidate. And, that wouldn’t surprise you. But, the rest of it… Well, best you not know.

Bond yields are really really low – actually negative sometimes. Ed and I are doing our best to manage “your” money almost like you would have.

The usual suspects are still winning tennis and golf tournaments. The ‘Skins are still The ‘Skins and the team doesn’t seem to be any better. The Nats – well, they were doing pretty good in 2014 and they are doing OK this year. They had a 3-3-5 triple play last week. Yep, not a typo. (To my non-US and/or non-baseball friends – the firstbase player got the first two runners out and threw the ball to the thirdbase player for the 3rd out. Don’t worry, baseball is incomprehensible.)

As for me. As you would say “I am fine.”

And why exactly do I think you can read this??? Silly Peg.

Lounging Around
Lounging Around – Playing with Shamu the Phone.

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