It is not that hot today, but, it sort of kicked my butt. Why is it that heat affects old people more? A job for Google, right? Well, I am back from Google. Seems like our “heat processing systems” just sort of slow down and wear out like the rest of our bodies. No one ever said that getting old was easy. So, I decided to just give in and nap.
After reading and napping – I went down to check my “garden”

For no apparent reason – I had my cheap long slow lens on my camera – but this isn’t to shabby for wasp photos. And, I didn’t have to get close to it.
Now, my desk is looking pretty junky – if I really mean to dedicate August to “maintenance decluttering” – I should fire up some tunes and spend 30 minutes in my “office”. Oh yes, I live in one room. But I have an office, a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room, a dining room/hobby area, and a library. (The library is a comfy chair and a Kindle.) I have a bathroom and a closet too. But, the closet and bathroom have proper doors.