My fine county keeps sending me text messages telling me that it is HOT. Well, actually, all I had to do was go outside and it was obvious that it was (and still is) HOT. I guess if you have technology, you gotta use it.
OK, excuses for not posting yesterday. It was hot. I worked until 4PM. A friend from my Navy days died. It was Happy Hour Friday. And, I had extra beers to help recover from the day. How is that for excuses.
Treated myself to Bose earmuffs. I know, I know, the sound isn’t as good as Sennheiser – but the noise cancellation is the best.
Note to Carlton and Cal: Yes, I am spending the Old Man’s Money. You boys should have spent more of it while you were still alive. But, Sharon and I are done skimping.
But, Carlton – I was tossing some of your papers – the notes you made when we last moved to be exact. Your notes indicated that we would be paying $121/day in rent. Based on a 30 day month. Well, big guy, 5+ years later, I am paying less than that. All up. Including utilities and food. So, I am not doing too shabby. Of course I have less than 1/2 the space, no balconies, no killer views, no great location. Nevertheless, it meets all my requirements. And, I have money leftover for NC earphones.

I was out early this morning and found a little damselfly. It is a pretty big image – you can click on it for a bigger view.
You wild and crazy lady…. Take care and enjoy yourself!