Been hearing too much about Ms Palin the last few days. First, I heard that she said that is was god’s will that she was the vice presidential candidate. Which either proves that god has a sense of humor or that god wasn’t paying attention. Or that god is just a handy scapegoat – sort of like heading off to rehab after doing something unspeakable.
And this afternoon – the Internet tells me that Ms Palin has a contract with Fox “News”. Fox news is a lot like god. Something that has no place in my reality.
Note to family. Today at lunch Carlton said the didn’t wish to have his ashes taken out to sea. He would rather be left on dry land. BTW – I don’t think that lunch was bad enough to cause such a conversation. I think he was in a funeral mood because he brought me some flowers that were left over from a funeral that was held in the church were he preaches about all things missionary on Monday and Tuesday.
Hmmmmm!!!! Sea or not the Sea-
You may remember Jupiter Jim,
I took you two by to see him at his place in Jupiter.
He chose a watery resting place in the inlet, when he passed.
Whenever going over the inlet bridge, and the tide is in
Look toward the east and say “Hello Jim”,
He answers back with the gentle swishing
Of the waves against the shore.
And it will be that way, forever more