good day for fishing

Sailfin Tang
Sailfin tang and yellow tangs

Nothing like a good day of snorkeling to help one out of a funk. Just off our pier there is a very good place to snorkel. But, I have never been to that spot because the water always looked a little unfriendly too me. Too many rocks, waves and sea urchins. Also no friendly beach to retreat to. But, I have been practicing my swimming this winter. And I have my wet suit. So, I swam out there for a looksee. Spent an hour out in the area. The water was nice and clear. But, there were not too many fish around. Main thing is, I got over my fear of that area. And, I am getting out of my minor depression. Next time the water is relatively calm – I’ll go again.

Food fairy provided one small turkey sandwich today. So, I added some broccoli and carrots and a little rice and called it lunch. Which we eat at 3:15 because that is when Carlton gets home from volunteering. And, since Carlton only eats at home – he will not take his lunch with him. Therefore, lunch is at 3:15. Dinner is at 8:45. Tonight’s dinner will be – maybe – a tuna and  avocado salad with some chips. Chips will make it special. I get us one “single serving” bag of chips every week … we share it. Hope that will not cause the food police to hunt me down.

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