The bethany is not a thing of beauty. And they don’t look very happy either.
I checked on our crappy flight home today. And it cheerfully told me that I could check in in 29 days. I didn’t need to be reminded. Will try not to complain about the crappy flight. Since it was free.
Also, I fully intend to endure Carlton’s displeasure and send most of my stuff home via UPS or USPS. I am not a pack animal. Especially when 3 airplanes and a subway ride are in the mix. And, since checking a single bag cost $25 – I figure I can deduct that from the USPS bill. $30 should take care of things nicely. I’ll schlep my computer, backup drives, computer power cords and bricks and expensive camera back. USPS can take everything else.
Still chugging thru my culling and cataloging. A made a discovery – every single fun thing in the last 5 years was instigated by my daughter. Oh I have lots of ideas. I am just lacking in action. I keep thinking – I’ll just put off this or that until “later” – meaning after Carlton “is gone”… Hello girlfriend … who exactly said that he will be in the first boarding group? Nobody is promised tomorrow.