The air is really cruddy today. At least I hope it is the air that is bothering me – and not that I am getting what ever it is that Carlton has.
Carlton can not speak today. He can not get one word out. He has written a few notes. I had to “call in sick” for him this morning. Those who know Carlton know how unhappy the man is when he is speak-less.
Been thinking about this Japan thing. 30 days of rice balls and miso soup with pickles for breakfast? No bagels. No South Beach Diet Peanut Butter Bars. I don’t think they have cheese or Jiff Peanut Butter. Well, I can stuff every space in my suitcase with South Beach Diet Peanut Butter Bars. But, they do have Bento’s and noodles. And 216 Starbucks.
About that killer whale that killed his trainer – way to go whale. Knock off a few more trainers and maybe no more whales will be captured for our “amusements”. Then again the Japanese eat killer whales. They also eat killer sashimi. But, at least the killer sashimi kills a few dinners every year.
Lunch was yakisoba noodles. Dinner will be sandwiches.
Oh Peg – you will find American. Starbucks – they have food. There is an American section in the north part of Osaka. And about 5 zillion McDs. Can you say egg mcmuffin in japanese?
マックグリドル ベーコン&エッグ・チーズ