I had hiccups last night – I was sitting in the living room – waiting for them to leave – when I realized that I didn’t need a tripod. All I had to do was zoom out my little point and shoot camera and sit it on a library book on the window sill and take a picture. Right thru the window.
Here is the same view, not zoomed, from the comfort of my own living room chair.
Not too shabby. It is actually a view “to die for”. Speaking of which – it would be really easy to suicide off the ledge outside our window. Not even requiring a stepping stool. I have no problem with suicide. But, I do have a problem with making other people unwilling participants. Jumping in front of trains, death by cop, and taking a header into the metro plaza all fall into that category.
I had a very fine Mother’s Day – and Happy 50th Birthday to the Birth Control Pill. Thank you Margaret Sanger and Katherine McCormick, and Dr Gregory Pincus and Frank Colton.
Back to Mother’s Day – I made baked chicken breasts coated with those French’s canned fried onions that are so popular on canned green beans around holiday time. Canned fried onions are much better used as a “breading” for sauteed or baked fish and chicken. Trust your momma on this one.