Sometimes things work out OK

Walking home from work, I found a woman’s wallet in the street. The drivers license wasn’t nearby. Didn’t see anyone. I decide to bring it home.

While continuing on the way home – I realized that rescuing a wallet was sort of like finding a lost dog. “Now what?” You have an taken on a responsibility.

Fortunately, a quick trip to connected me to the wallet’s owner. She had just missed it and was frantic. It was sweet to be able to tell her that a little old lady had found the wallet and nothing seemed to be missing. She came and picked up the wallet. She had been in a park at a “PreSchool Graduation Party” a couple of blocks from where I picked up the wallet. She figured her smallest kid at tossed the wallet out of her purse. I figured that someone had picked it up in the park and had decided that they didn’t want the responsibility of a lost wallet and they left it on the side of the road. Not nice. But understandable.

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