Rule Three

Sally vs the N95 Monster!

In my world – There are no Sherpas. No bearers. No porters. And darn few bellmen.

Rule Three: Everywoman, young and old, schleps her own stuff. And gets it into the overhead compartment. But, a little help with the lifting by a nice young man can be appreciated.

Today, I finished making hotel reservations. Along the way I found out some things about Japanese hotels.

First, no matter how much you pay, if they have a swimming pool (1) you must wear a swimsuit and a CAP and (2) you will be charged 10 to 20 dollars. Now, if they have a huge community “bath”, that is usually free and you must be buck naked. Go figure. The swim togs have been deleted from my packing list.

Second, check in time. In Japan if check in time is 1500 hours – you are expected to be there to check in at 1500 hours. Not 1400 hours and by 1630 hours your room might be gone.

Speaking of schlepping – Carlton just asked “Why are you taking your computer?” Why indeed? The Airness travel weight is about 3.5 pounds.

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