The WildChild garden box is looking very happy. Which is a good thing. Because I can not go anywhere to get it anything. I did order some plants for my 2 “public” boxes. Hopefully, we will be able to dine al fresco sometime this summer. If not, they are perennials, and we can enjoy them next year. Remembering, of course, nobody is promised tomorrow.
Finished up the Bag Lady PSA this afternoon. It could be better. But, I want to get a video that I am making for the “Director of Dining Services” to showcase what his staff is trying to do to keep us fed and fat. And, since I am one of the bag ladies, I hope my friends and neighbors will fold their bags.
My own Dining Service victory this morning was to make a perfect omelet. It even rolled over and out of the pan as a good omelet should. Just perfect.
Grateful we are still free to move about the building and grounds. And also that it was “free” wine night.
Mālama pono