It was a fine and sunny day today and I went out for a couple of walks. It may be my last outing for a while. More and more people are being seriously quarantined as in “go to your room and don’t come out”. The county is coming tomorrow to do some testing. Our Clinic is closing for “deep cleaning”. These things don’t give one a warm fuzzy feeling.
On a positive note: Mother Nature, that bitch, endures. This is one of my three garden boxes. This being one of the public ones on the patio where I hope to once again be able to have dinner. It is having a better spring than I am.
Wreckage of the future: What happens if I am in quarantine and my non-trivial dollar-wise order of additional plants for my two public boxes arrive?
Not having an easy time with gratitude today. So back to basics. Right now at the instant – and this is the only instant that I have – everything is fine. Sitting sun sparkling off the glass buildings, had a nice dinner that someone else cooked and delivered to the Old Bat Cave. Just now sipping the last of an excellent cup of french press coffee. And, my nice cozy bed awaits me and my Kindle. So. grateful for the moment.
A couple of days ago, I began to mentally address the very real possibility of remaining in lockdown until forever.
So, first off, I ordered some luxurious overpriced hand soap.
Next, I moved my prescriptions from the grocery store next door to our in-house CVS. Yes, 1,000 old people with good insurance can support a pharmacy. I really hate changing stuff like that around. I have used that grocery chain for my drugs for 20 plus years. The grocery is cheaper than CVS. But CVS is just easier. The physical pharmacy is in our sister Asylum. But, the drugs get delivered here. And, assuming I get to go to Hawai’i this winter – I can get my drugs at the Longs which is really CVS now.
Next on my list is to get enough coffee to last until Labor Day.
Have I mentioned lately that I am tired of this shit.
Mālama pono