Grand glorious wonderful sunrise this morning. And, it was especially wonderful from the bed where all I could see was the canopy of fluffy pink clouds. Enough of the cheery shit. Back to reality.
I stayed in my room almost all day except for my early morning exercise program. I hated it. By 10AM all of my chores including laundry, which involved a trek down the hall are completed. Now what?

One can only mess with photographs so much.

And, my kitchen, now that it is being used as a real kitchen, no longer looks like a kitchen staged for an open house.

But, pretty damn good meals are coming out of that kitchen. With a little help from Dining Services (the chicken, orange, and sparking water) and Whole Foods Delivery (broccoli and avocado).
Today a pair of Canada geese and a great blue heron flew past my window. Grateful that I just happened to be looking out the window.
Mālama pono