Yesterday evening, I got an email that said I had a package at the desk. Package, what package? I don’t remember ordering anything that was supposed to arrive any time soon. But, I am not curious enough to want to trek up 11 floors.
So, this morning after my laps around the building, I collect the package. It is heavy. And gets heavier coming upstairs. Not a clue as to what it is or where it is from. Have I gotten this senile after 45 days?
No not a care package – but a very caring package.
It is toasty warm here today.
So after getting tested for Covid19, I went looking for a nice private place to hang.
Comfy chairs here. But, a still like “my” bench in the dog run best for general getting away.
And somedays, you just need to getaway. Especially from yourself.
Grateful for ohana. That would be all of you!
Mālama pono
I wish we could do emojis here. Someone sent you a heart.