Carded at 76 going on dead!
This is Daniel. And he made my day. Maybe my entire year. He carded me! He delivered my order from Whole Foods. (Thankyou Whole Foods for saving me from Roasted Eggplant Soup which is on tomorrow’s menu.)
Now I know that my order is coming because you can watch it – like your Uber ride. I have my little cart out and am ready to go get it when I get an email from the front desk that says the order is here. But, I get a phone call from the front desk. “Ms. Peg, you need to come down with your ID right now to pick up your order”
I gotta find my ID. Fortunately, I found my expired driver’s license. I head downstairs. Yes, Daniel inspects my driver’s license. Takes a picture of its barcode and hands over my food. And my Guinness.
The food and drink made it safely upstairs to the Old Bat Cave.
Grateful that 2 of my friends got back negative Covid test results this afternoon.
Mālama pono