DIY Lockdown – day 50 of xx.

looking for the light

Christie is a friend here at the Asylum. For the first month of Lockdown, she knitted. And then she knitted some more. Today she was taking the 14 sweaters that she knitted off to the Asylum  Knit for Kids group. The sweaters will all go to kids who need warm sweaters. Especially new, never been worn by anyone else sweaters.

life and coronavirus #131

I almost expired from boredom today. But I rallied and took a nap. Also cataloged photos. Did some yoga. And made my laps around the outside of the building early this morning.

Finished reading The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler. Like slipping into a time machine and being transported back to the late 1930s. Great read. I just happened to find it in my vast Kindle library. From my equally vast audio library, I am listening to Watership Down – that classic kid’s book from the 1970s.  Guess this is just a sign of old age. Going back to old literary friends.


Grateful for my nice cozy Old Bat Cave. The wind is howling around something fierce. Nevermind that it is 64°. It is still nasty outside.

That’s good news.

Mālama pono

One Reply to “DIY Lockdown – day 50 of xx.”

  1. I need a ‘ love ‘ icon. The sweaters or jumpers as we call them are just beautiful. And I am loving that you are hanging in there Peg. Keep safe and you got this ok. We are all good here. No new cases in West Aust for about a week and only a few with it. Atm. But our Premier locked down our state border ages ago and also our regional borders so no intra state travel just easing the region borders a bit but still do the isolation thing and distancing etc Haven’t seen my Perth kids since January but whatever it takes

    Stay safe Peg and big hugs to you xx

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