This morning was one of those magical mornings that sometimes happen in the spring. When the Potomac River is chilly and the air is warm. Interesting fog happens. It also happens in the fall when the river is warm and the air is nippy.
It was a nice sunny day and I didn’t suffer from overwhelming bleakness like yesterday. Tried really hard to “live in the present”. And to not mourn the loss of what was or fret about what might happen. Because – I sure as hell didn’t see this one coming.
Well, it must be summer. The big ass gas grill showed up on “my” patio. It is mine because I am the keeper of its flower boxes. And BC (Before COVID) my friends and I would eat dinner on that patio 2 or 3 times a week.
Grateful for a nice warm, sunny and wind-free day.
I accomplished NOTHING today.
Mālama pono