DIY Lockdown – day 56 of xx.

looking for the light

We gathered outside for coffee this morning. One of our group is missing. She has shingles. Since it can be kicked off by stress – not really surprising. Carlton got shingles when he was being audited by the IRS. As I recall he got a letter that said send us 150K immediately if not sooner. That might have been in about 2007.

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While I was trying to back up far enough to get all my socially distanced friends into the picture, one of them took a picture of me and “the ugliest skirt on the planet”. That is one homely mother of a skirt. Baby shit colored paper bag. But, I intend to wear it as my quarantine skirt. It is very comfy. And has an expandable waist. I also have an expandable waist.

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From my window I watch all manner of little dramas. A car pulled up. The driver got out. Waved. And removed stuff from the trunk. Driver returned to car and left.

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Sooner or later. The goods are collected.  This is not an approved behavior.

My friend with shingles had to violate the rules to go an collect her drugs. But, she turned her self into the minders. She figured that she would be quarantined in her room anyhow. And, getting started on the antiviral drugs ASAP is critical.


Grateful for an hour on the patio with friends. Best part of the “holiday” weekend for sure.

Not so good. That makes 2 deaths in “independent living”

Mālama pono

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