DIY Lockdown – day 60 of xx.

looking for the light and the frog.

Friday adventure. Wander around the first floor and look at the new flower arrangement. Fred, who did this one, always includes a frog.

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Day 60 of lockdown didn’t start too auspiciously. Decided to fire up the A/C for the housekeeper and anyone who might show up to look at the fridge. After the A/C had been on for 2 hours it was 2 degrees warmer than when the A/C started.  Turns out, I wasn’t special. One of the chillers broke. It got fixed. And, the Old Bat Cave was chilled.

The refrigerator adventure continues. Frankly, I don’t think any of our maintenance guys are refrigerator trained. They look at refrigerators. 4 guys have looked at mine. One took a picture of the serial number. On Monday, it will be taken away and I will get a loaner. I paid extra for a stainless steel fridge. If they end up replacing it – I want stainless.

Terminally bored this afternoon. Forced myself outside with the 600mm lens.

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Just OK.

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One of 3 resident dogs.

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And the dog is looking better than I am! No word as to when we will be allowed out. Something like we have to be 28 days without anyone with Covid.

And 2 residents died. Management hopes that we will forget. We won’t. So, my trip to the dentist July 7 is looking like it will not happen. I am willing to take the quarantine hit to keep the appointment.

A particularly morbid thought – when society comes completely apart – not due to Covid – but due to the so called leadership of our country. I will have a damn fine view of it.  Unless I make it back to Kona in time.


Grateful to have made it through 60 days with most of my marbles.

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On a happier note. Another from the Friday flower arrangers.
Mālama pono

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