DIY Lockdown – day 62 of xx.


looking for the light

Visit from the beer fairy this morning.  In Hawai’i you are living large if you are drinking “green bottle beer”.

life and coronavirus #153

And also a delivery from Amazon Fresh. The selection is not stellar. But, I am not dying to go grocery shopping. After I get my refrigerator problem sorted – I’ll order some cheese, bread, veggies, and chicken from Whole Foods.

Tried to be nice to me today. To not beat up on me for gaining 7 or 8 pounds during lockdown. To not get outraged that the republic broke on my watch and I am powerless to do anything about that. To not wonder “what if we had a President”?

Tomorrow is a new month and I am sure all those demons will reemerge.  And, I will fight them yet again.


How can I not be grateful for friends who leave beer outside my door? Friends: a joy in good times and a lifesaver in bad times.

America’s cities, including mine, will burn this summer.  I should be safe enough here at The Asylum. But, I am not sure it will be safe after Election Day. Oh, and there is Covid coming back in the fall to worry about. This is not how I planned to spend my dotage.

Mālama pono

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