Every morning, I expect to awaken to a mushroom cloud. Any day that there isn’t one has the makings of a Good Day.
I do not like video yoga, TV yoga, etc. If I am going to do yoga, I want an actual live teacher or I will just do it by myself. But, our much-loved yoga instructor made us 3 hour-long videos. Felt like I needed to go to the video class to support the home team. This class is at 2:15 PM. Which is my Nap Time. I skipped my nap. I am trying really hard to adapt to the new normal.
The Asylum hair salon reopened today. A few things are loosening up.

Including our transportation department. We are all curious about “hikes”. This is an old people’s asylum. You would be hard-pressed to find 5 hikers out of our population of 502. So, where would I like to be transported for a “hike”? Maybe the Violet Crown Trail in Austin Texas. It should be doable for an old woman. Now, let’s see if the house will transport me there!
Grateful to have made it all the way to June.
Mālama pono