The day started out all silky hazy and pastel. I have been really tired all day. For no reason. Just tired. I could have sprung into action if action had been called for. But, it wasn’t. So I didn’t.
I did some “nature photography” with my phone.
This is not yesterday’s rabbit. Notice, it has nodules on the ears. It is actually one of last year’s rabbits I think. But, I am too lazy to look at rabbit images from last summer to compare ears. Wild rabbits live 8-10 years, so, it could be one of last year’s rabbits.
And, I finally found a bug. We have a fine crop of milkweed this summer. Hoping for a nice crop of monarch butterfly soon.
This thing came up in my wildchild garden box. I think it is a weed. But, I am going to let it bloom. Maybe it will turn out to be a weed that I want.
Enjoying a nice iced coffee at this instant. Grateful the new fridge punched out ice cubes today.
Large protests and rallies underway all over our region today. So far very orderly and peaceful.
It doesn’t get much better than this:
Mālama pono