This morning, I ran into the rabbit with the correct camera. This guy seems to have a cataract in his/her eye. Apparently cataracts are not uncommon among rabbits. But, while researching rabbit illnesses, apparently there is something called Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus type 2 which sounds dreadful and apparently is. If you are a rabbit, hare, or pika. It has recently been found in California, Arizona, and northern Mexico.
Signed up for Zoom Yoga. The class that I used to take at the hospital. I didn’t do it last session. Figured that we would be back to normal soon. And, how did that work out, Peg? Assume nothing. Focus on NOW.
Grateful to have escaped from the thrall of darkness that overtook me yesterday. I should be good to go for another couple of weeks. If I am careful and focus on NOW. Not two months from NOW. But NOW.
June 16, 2019. I was trying to figure out Dubai. Staying in the tallest building in the world (on the 7th floor) next to the biggest shopping mall in the world. And a very different world it was.
Mālama pono