Cloudy and rainy today. That will be good for the garden boxes. And I was able to get in my barest minimum of outdoor time early this morning.
The street out front is being re-paved. I am sure that it is easier to do with less traffic. Don’t know when/if traffic will return. Talked to my friends at work this afternoon. One of the nurse’s son got a new job with Microsoft. They sent him a computer, a couple of monitors, a laptop, etc and said “welcome aboard”. The guy decided that he needed to buy a new desk since he wasn’t going to be going to any office anytime soon.
Question: in my “day” my entire social life was wrapped around work. Heck, work is where I found Carlton. And more than a few others that weren’t keepers. So how is this going to work?
Grateful to everyone who reached out to me over the last couple of weeks with beer, books, chocolates, and conversation.
Don’t want to miss showing off some pictures from Dubai. June 17, 2019.
The original Cereal Killer Cafe is in London.
I did go out for a very little while in the day. It was always over 120° when the sun was out. That’s why it was good that I was connected via an underground tunnel to the largest shopping mall on the planet.
I didn’t find out if the palm trees were always decorated or was this for Eid al-Fitr which was the week before I arrived.
Mālama pono