Made it out from behind bars for a little “hike” this morning. Just about one mile around the block. Four laps around the building is a mile. But, if I do it fast enough that is about all the cardio that I must get in every day.
As soon as the weather gets out of this thunderstorm cycle, I will go on a more proper “hike.” I must make sure that I can get all the way back home on foot because taking Uber gets 5 days punitive quarantine. I shudder to think what they would do to me if I rode a bus!
So, some signs of the times.
For the last 15 years at least most all of the summer lifeguards in our area have come from Eastern Europe. College-age kids were recruited, got some special work visa, flown over here, stuffed into cheap apartments, given bicycles, run through a quickie lifeguard training session, and deployed on their bikes to area pools. We have lots of pools. And, unless it is in your own backyard it must have a lifeguard. Now, pools are starting to open, but no kids from Eastern Europe. This is a sign of the new normal. I wonder if they give you a bike?
I only saw one “Closed/Closing” sign. But, I am sure more are coming. More new normal.
Grateful for a socially distance and masked IRL visit with my Asylum Sisters this morning. The 7 of us who used to huddle around a single table spread out over three tables.
June 20, 2019 – Trained from London to Edinburgh.
Mālama pono