Lockdown in name only – day 88 of xx.

looking for the light

Stopping to admire the other garden boxes while watering mine this morning.  Most people grow flowers. Some tomatoes. I grow weeds and one huge rosemary plant. But, I like my weeds.

life and coronavirus #181

The area around The Asylum seems to be taking the mask business seriously. Which is good when you are an old person.

life and coronavirus #182

Today, The Asylum attempted to amuse the inmates with public dunking of staff members. It did amuse me because I spent 4 hours taking and post-processing pictures.

Hey Carlton, are you still paying attention to me? Well, just thought you would like to know that your old enemy Advanced Towing is being sued by the VA Attorney General. (Just one of Carlton’s adventures with Advanced Towing – and he was dead guilty that time.)


Grateful for an email from a very old and lost Park Service friend today. From wayback in the last Millenium. Sometimes, technology is our friend.

June 26, 2019.  I explored to obscure but fantastic museums.

The Old Operating Theatre Museum and Herb Garret

The OR restored to its 1822 state.

And the Grant Zoology Museum.


Great place London. Wish I were there. Or lots of places other than here.

Mālama pono

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