Solitary Hour 102 of 120.

looking for the light

Keeping to my one-hour schedule was hard today. I don’t seem to be very focused, centered, motivated, etc. But, today is the last full day.

I wish I could say that 5 days of home alone had given me great new insights. It didn’t. But I am getting more and more accepting that this shit is going to be going on for a long long time for us old folks who live in various congregate living situations.

I was reading Carlton’s little book this morning – and on July 6, 2010, he noted that granddaughter Sam and I went to Japan. I didn’t think that was worthy of a note in his book. But, I guess to him he did seem like a fearful undertaking. Heading ½ way around the world to a country that I had never visited, with a 17 year old kid, with only a backpack… I am sure that was way outside of his comfort zone.  It was a great trip.  We are both better women for it.

Let us just say that according to my phone – I am living a loser life!

life and coronavirus #186

And the truly pathetic thing is: Google is correct. There was only highlight in June 2020. And it was the visit to Green Spring Gardens.


I am really grateful to have rediscovered cooking. When this is over, I am sure that I will go back to eating Asylum food, because eating with friends is very important to me. But, for now. I am content to prepare my own meals. With an assist from Whole Foods deliver.

Mālama pono

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