Actual date: March 142, 2020
Actually, I was gardening when I took that picture. Sitting under an umbrella watering one of my garden boxes. Thinking that I overprocessed that image. Oh well. Not thinking that I am going to change it.
I was out and going on my “hike” well before 7AM this morning because it was going to be hot. Actually it was already rather toasty.
And, by late afternoon – it has achieved HOT. Not by Dubai standards. But still HOT.
Here at The Asylum, they serve the Sunday main meal at noon. Some manner of salmon is always offered. And, I am extremely picky about fish – but I am not so fussy about salmon. Hence, I always order salmon. Since I have been on my diet, I have been having salmon and salad. And do not order any of the sides, desserts, or other distractions. Well, today – I got extra salmon. Yeah for me! So, I can have salmon and salad again tomorrow.
Got a delivery from Whole Foods today. The usual stuff: bread, broccoli, coffee beans, blueberries, etc. Today’s special treat is a chunk of real Parma cheese. I really don’t mind cooking.
Air Conditioning. How can I not be grateful for A/C. Thank you Mr Carrier. On July 17, 1902, Willis Haviland Carrier designed the first modern air-conditioning system.
And tomorrow starts a whole new week. My objective for the week is to not do anything that will get me back in solitary.
Mālama pono
I rode 57 miles this morning, took a cold shower and did nothing else today. People were not riding fast today.