Get I little crazy locked in here. My world view is warped. Out of focus. And, most of you know, I am a stickler for tack sharp focus. And the horizon. So, today I got a little frazzled about being locked up for the rest of the year. I am worried about the economy. And the presidential election. And the future of The Asylum (it is a Ponzi scheme, and who in their right mind would buy-in). On the positive side. It won’t be boring.
A visit – Covid style.
Grateful for my dishwasher. Thank-you, Josephine Garis Cochran. She invented the first useful dishwasher in Shelbyville, Ill., and received patent # 355,139 on December 28, 1886. Now you know.
This is her pandemic pup. Just arrived today. Belgian Malinois and Great Pyrenees mix. Absolutely adorable. Potentially HUGE.
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