
looking for the light

Origami turtles that is. So far they look like roadkill turtles. That was what I “did” today.

Well, I also went for a “hike”. Hiking is one of the approved off-campus activities.

And,  I did my laundry. We have assigned laundry days since Covid. But, on my floor, we don’t seem to pay much attention to our designated laundry day. However, it is an easy enough rule to follow.

Also, watched John Lewis’s funeral. Three former presidents spoke. They all spoke in complete sentences. Readers from outside the beltway may not understand our inside the beltway fascination with “important” funerals. It is a part of our culture. Going to see the departed in the Capital. Or lining the streets to see the hearse/caisson go past. It is what we do.

Rep Lewis’s funeral was equal parts early 1960’s style teach-in and political call to action with a sprinkling of old fashioned Sunday church.

Obama said. “We can’t treat voting as an errand to run if we have some time. We have to treat it as the most important action we can take on behalf of democracy — and like John, we have to give it all we have.”


Grateful to have shared the planet with the likes of James Lawson, CT Vivian and John Lewis.

Note to Carlton: You would have loved the funeral. And you will be happy to know that Elton John celebrated 30 years today. You would have approved. He remained anonymous. But, the cake and medallion sort of gave it away. You were always a big Elton John fan. It’s pretty sweet that a guy who could afford the best treatment,  was lucky enough to actually get the best treatment.

Mālama pono


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