Rainy day today. But, with the aid of a long-unused umbrella – I got my short hike in this morning.
Then I did visiting, reading, napping, a little gardening, and I messed around with the photos from 2019,
I almost wept over this one. I would kill for that dinner just about now.
Every year I have the same discussion with myself. Do I make a 2019 yearbook? I made them for Carlton. He liked them and looked at them. But, I am just me. Nobody sees my books anymore. But, sometimes I do look at them, And, I might like them when I get “old”. So, I might make a 2019 book. (2020 will be a real challenge!)
I deemed 7 photos “worthy” soon after I took them. Now I wander through the 2019 photos and find the ones to illustrate 2019. Looking back 2019 was a damn fine year!
Grateful that in 2019 I didn’t say “Well, I do that next year” very often. Nobody is promised tomorrow.
Thank you, Carlton. I deployed “Avoid Beginnings” today.
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