I am going to start a series of photos “Strange Asylum Things”. This might be #1 or I might go back ad shoot it from tabletop level.
Strange unhappy day. One of my friends bought a new iPhone at the Apple Store. Traded in her old one. And found out that about ⅓ of her contacts have vanished. And, this old woman kept all of her addresses and phone numbers in her phone. I can only guess that some of her oldest phone numbers were stored on her sim card. And since iPhones have “built-in” sim cards nowadays, they just got lost. Apple Care tried to find the contacts somewhere. And of course, her old iphone was long gone.
I dumped all my contacts to a CSV file. And even dumped 1Password into a CSV file. Copied them to a flash drive. Technology isn’t always our friend.
Grateful to feel like I am in the eye of a hurricane. It was stormy getting here. And. It will be stormy getting out. But, just for now, it is calm.
I got a request for help making “Cooking Videos” today. Well, how would that work with using a GoPro?
Note to self: Spiff yourself up a bit. But, GoPro really did a good job. I didn’t edit a thing. Not even a trim off the ends. Just stuck on the title and tail.
Mālama pono
Oh Peg. You just crack me up. I can only aspire to be more like you. Loved the video xx