An endless road construction goes on and on outside our compound. Since I don’t have a car it does cause me any problem. And I do love the shiny red trucks.
“Busy” today playing around with the GoPro. Looking to see what it will and will not do. I think our corporate level chef who doesn’t cook wants to become a vlogger. A GoPro seems like a pretty capable platform.

We are getting new lighting in our elevator lobbies. The lights will be on a motion sensor. That will freak the elders out if they leave their apartments to sneak a visit to their honey at night.

More on the “Strange Asylum Things”. This is the elevator lobby that had “mariachi rubber ducks” on display a couple of years ago.
Grateful for a fine day.
Also uncommonly pleased to have a photo credit in the Washington Post. On line version.
The article might be behind the paywall. Master florist’ Haruko Adkins, 90, had a passion for flower arrangements and tennis
Mālama pono