
looking for the light

I like hot humid hazy summer weather. However, by late August or early September, I am totally over it. Mother Nature takes pity and sometime around Labor Day she delivers a perfect day. Bright blue sky. Low humidity. Gentle breeze. And, reasonable temperature. That day was today. It is a harbinger of 6 or more glorious weeks of autumn. This year autumn will have to contend with COVID and politics. But, it is windows open season.

My eyes glaze over and I don’t see stuff. Stuff like this:

Why? #1

This is our main/front door. What are those things on either side of the door? And why are they there? Do they “add” any value?

Why? #2

On closer inspection, they are four identical “Punch and Judy” show plates. This one is festooned with its own personal cobweb.

I am planning on a busy week on the computer. My desktop has become an embarrassment. What if I die suddenly and someone finds it looking like this:


And that was my “decluttering” for the day. Actually, the week. Well, the month.


Grateful for this grand and glorious hint of autumn day.

Mālama pono

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