It’s the last weekend of summer!

looking for the light

The anemones have bloomed. I love these things. They are easy to photograph and huge fun to post-process. They are sort of the autumn version of the magnolia. But they are easier to reach. And easier to photograph.

I needed some fun this afternoon. Work exhausted me this week. I finished my task. And, don’t really need to spring back into action until next week. The “new improved” flu shot nagging system will be demo tested on Thursday. My job is to get the data from the new system into the old system.

My plans for the “long weekend” include a walk tomorrow morning to Trader Joe. Mostly for exercise. That’s a 2-mile round trip.  I need to get away from the computer. And I need some exercise. Never mind that I am currently exhausted. And, I have several projects for The Asylum underway – so I will be getting plenty of time behind my computer editing video. Maybe I should take an online video editing course? No, I don’t think so. I got this far with “whatever happens is what I planned”. Why change now?


Grateful that my brain and body still work well enough to do all the stuff I ask it to do. Nevermind that the body gets tired, the eyes give out, and the brain is sometimes MIA.

A nice honey bee. With the 135mm macro lens.

This afternoon’s walkabout with the camera captured a honey bee hard at work.

Mālama pono

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