Be alert. Keep calm. Think clearly. Act decisively.

looking for the light

Yes, this is “the light”. Waiting to get a flu shot at the grocery this morning – there was a big bin of generic disinfectant wipes in “travel size”.  I took this as a sign that I should “travel”. Travel to Hawai’i is supposed to open up October 1. By the end of October, it might be good to go.

This was another busy day – editing video. No problem doing that. It was raining most of the day anyhow.


Grateful the have checked the flu shot off my to-do list.

I have friends who are near the western fires. And, some of my friends here have family who are too close to the hot zones for comfort. I remember being in Yosemite wondering if we were going to have to flee the Hetch Hetchy Fire. Not an easy feeling.

When we were with The Park Service, they had cool little notebooks that fit nicely into the uniform breast pocket. Carlton loved those notebooks and always took a couple of extras. When he died I found a bunch in his desk. They had the “10 Standard Firefighting Orders” printed on the inside cover.

Old NPS Notepad.

The cover said that it was revised 4-67. So, we can excuse the reference to “men”. I always thought that these were pretty good rules to live by fire or no fire.  “Men” has been changed to “forces” and “boss” has been changed to “supervisor” and these are still the “10 Standard Firefighting Orders”.

Be alert. Keep calm. Think clearly. Act decisively.

Mālama pono

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