I found a place that only did Tavel Covid tests. I thought that would be better than going somewhere that tested people who needed a test for some other reason. And, I passed.
That was today’s only must do. But I will finish packing, and I will decide when to leave for the airport. And what to take. Bus, cheap train, airport train, cab. Cab is out of the question. The cheap train cost $6. The airport train costs $12. Think I will spring for the airport train. It’s worth 6 bucks for hassle free.
it was cloudy today. But I went walkabout, just soaking up some last Norwegian goodness.
Whats not to love about Norway?
Flying out at 12:45 tomorrow. Supposed to land about 7pm. But Icelandair isn’t very reliable. And, I have to get my Global Entry card renewed. So, I might be very late getting back to The Asylum. Don’t expect a blog entry.