Trying to whip my old self into shape for my trip to Europe. There is a huge fall-off in stamina in the 70s. At least that is my experience. I am pretty sure that 2 years of Covid exacerbated the decline. But, I am going to try to claw back a little stamina. What do I really want to improve/maintain? Walking like a real person at a moderate pace, not a shuffle. Able to stand without looking for a chair after 15 minutes. The goal for next week is to get in at least 2 miles of continuous “perky” walking every day. I can walk a mile from The Asylum and come back. Or I can walk 2 miles and catch a bus home. Or I can do two laps around my “regular” one-mile neighborhood loop. I just have to do it.
Did 2.25 miles today. And I played with the camera along the way.
We don’t have any real waterfalls around here to try the long exposure stunt.
This long exposure looks rather like ice or jello. Not a good look. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.