50% of the elevators in my building are not working. One has been dead for a couple of weeks and another one went south and stayed there a couple of days ago.
But, this morning, the elevator guys showed up. That’s the good news. The bad news is they spend all day reading the manual. A dead tree manual. And at about 2PM they left. We still have two dead elevators.
Lost another serious chunk of money today. The losses are starting to add up. Or maybe it should say the losses are starting to subtract down! I would rather spend the money than lose it – hence – the trip to France. The Great Britain part of the trip was paid for back in 2019.
Stil have some loose ends for the trip. Train reservations from Paris to Dijon. No problem unless the rail workers go on strike. Then I have 6 days to get from Dijon to Frankfurt where I have one night reserved at the Frankfurt Airport before, Covid test willing, making it back to The Asylum on June 16. Google says I could walk it in 93 hours! But, I don’t really think so. Train. A very slow train.
(The pack and tote weigh in at a hair less than 15 pounds.)