
Exit Weight. 137.5

9.8 stones sounds better than 137.5 pounds. Heck, 62.3 kilos sound better. But, it is what it is. Hope to return with it under 140. Because the travel pants gotta zip.

Got all day tomorrow to do last-minute stuff. Stuff like buying a tin of mini-Altoids. (You didn’t seriously think I would get a regular tin.) Stuff like moving my damn expensive external monitor out of the way of the window installers. Who are scheduled to install new windows for me on Monday.  I hope my crows like the new windows. 

Management sent out a memo about our elevators this afternoon. Memos don’t get elevators working. I can actually walk up 11 floors to my apartment. Most people can not. I am considering funding the Peg Bethany Chair of Elevator Maintenance here at The Asylum. That way we would have our own elevator repair person. It could be an old elevator mechanic. One who worked on our elevators back in the day. When he wasn’t working on elevators, he could doze in the sun in the atrium with the residents. 

It’s going to be great to get out of this place. 

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