Paris Walkabout

Forgive me France. But I was in dire need of more than a thimble of coffee.

Desperate times call for extreme measures. I like espresso. Actually I love espresso. But this evening I NEEDED more.

Wracked up 7.25 miles today. Including my COFFEE run. I was just out wandering about. Looking in shop windows. Which I adore doing.  I pasted up buying a 500 sheet pack of origami paper because I don’t actually need more folding paper and I don’t want to lug it around for 2 more weeks.  

So, let’s window shop.

Today’s most specialized store.

Colorful Cords sells fancy dress electrical cords for your pendant lights. No shit. That’s what the sell. 

How about a store that sells ballet slippers.

This one is for you Sherry. They also sold practice skirts. Which the saleswoman allowed as how made up the most of their business since young women wear them like real skirts.

A very upmarket market.

 I walked by a grocery store that had a bouncer. Now, I know that I am not going to get past the bouncer at Channel, but I decided that I might be able to bluff my way into a grocery store. I did. I bought a sandwich for lunch and some stunningly expensive cherries. 

Had lunch in a park. The guy on the next bench was dining with feathered friends.

Still wanted to stop by Notre Dame.

If anyone can put her back together it’s the French. Or the Japanese. We Americans would have just 3D printed a new one. 

The hospital across the street where I used to stay in Paris wouldn’t let me in. But the did offer me a free Covid test. 

The Free Covid Test Dude was not busy.

To recap. Windows shopping in Paris is great.

Extremely refined sleepwear.

This was a shop that only sold sleepwear. Exquisite sleepwear.  

And more than one establishment featuring extremely risqué under drawers.

 I was never exquisite and am way past my risqué days. But, it’s still fun to look and remember when. 

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