In Dijon.

First time in decades at Gare de Lyon

The trip took 90 minutes, typically efficient European train service.  Now the Europeans can not run airlines any better than we can. But they can sure run trains.

At this instant, I am in love with Dijon. It is so much more old lady friendly than Paris.  Old people actually walk around with canes. There are free electric buses to get you around the old car free part of town. And, when I was sitting on a bench struggling to open a bottle of lemonade, a workmantype guy comes along, takes the bottle out of my hand, gives it a twist and with that all important French word Voilà, my lemonade is opened and he is on his way. And, you know maybe his hands were dirty but I don’t give a damn. I am already sick. And, I was thirsty.

My hotel has a elevator and my room doesn’t have an old lady eating bathtub.

But the room is tiny. Not a problem.
Big gingerbread carp in a store window. Gotta think about that one.
Really nice old town center. At least on a fine early summer afternoon.
Sorry France, but I really needed a beer to night.

Note to Asylum. Omelets are not supposed to be brown unless the are ordered well done. 

One Reply to “In Dijon.”

  1. Hello Peg,
    Welcome in my city. I was born here and I lived in the vicinity during 20 years and after that, I took this fast train hundreds of time to work in Paris.
    I wish you enjoy the old part of the city. Gingerbread, mustard, cassis cream, wine… If I was still here, we would have drank a beer together. But life drove me to the south.
    Best regards

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