On the barge

The chef makes several appearances during our meals to be sure we are happy.

We don’t get a choice about what to eat. He is kinda like Mom. We eat what he puts on the table. And so far, everything has been outstanding.  No kale. No quinoa. This evening, I got a coughing fit and had to leave the table for 10 minutes or so.  That really bothered me. Because we all eat at one table.  Fortunately, I didn’t miss any food. But I was careful about pepper and lemon. 

Don’t expect to see these guys on the Asylum menu.

The snails were fallen on by the guests like so many crazed gardeners. Even a woman who can only be described as a fussy eater scarfed them down.

This morning we ventured out to the tasting rooms of Family Picard,

Sweet place to hid during a nuclear attack.

It was dark. But squeaky clean. 

The wines

It was rather antiseptic. Which is good I guess. The wine people sighed appreciatively. 

But, I kept thinking “isn’t it grand that Captain Picard of Starship Enterprise has a vineyard?”
After lunch, we went out to hike up a hill.

Wonder what tomorrow will bring?

2 Replies to “On the barge”

  1. Hi Peg,
    Oh I see, you went in Chassagne Montrachet ? It’s truly high level.
    Amazing trip.
    Best regards,

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