Took the same camera out today and went looking for Scarlett Begonias. I suspect that the San Francisco area has way better begonias than Arlington. We have those red and white and pink things that are avoided by insects and loved by commercial landscape companies.
We do not have cable TV – I am trying very hard to avoid finding out what latest lunacy the teapotheads are preaching. But unsettling crumbs slip in around the NPR and Newshour edges. Where did we go wrong? What sort of children did we raise? And, will the elders and hopefully the youngers too – wake up from our naps in time to stop those crazy 30 and 40 somethings running for the US Senate? One seriously wacko senator can cause a whole bunch of trouble. Two or three working together … It is enough to make me agree with one of the teapotters wishes – repeal the 17th amendment.
This is Day Two of the Diet of 2010. The Diet didn’t really start until lunch yesterday. And, it isn’t dinner time yet. So, I suppose I have 24 hours of dieting. We don’t have a scale. And 24 hours is really too soon for any good results.